Family Bushwalks in the Snowy Mountains (2nd edition)is a pocket-sized field guide to the popular (and also some less well-travelled) day walks in Kosciuszko National Park. Written and published by Geoff Whale, it features
Latest newsOther Books about the High CountryFor books about Australia's alpine areas, including Klaus Hueneke's superb range of histories of the wonderful (and dwindling) huts of the high country, see Tabletop Press. On-line PurchasesThe book can now be purchased on-line from me, at a discount (since I don't have to pay commissions to resellers apart from a small amount to PayPal). Stock AvailabilityTry your local map shop, as they tend to have the best range of walking guides and know the market. Some mainstream bookshops also have copies, if not you can ask them to order from Tabletop Press, ABC Maps or Tower Books (distributors). Or me. PublicityDownload a two-page Info sheet (PDF, 565kb) for distributors and retailers, or a poster (PDF, 1079kb) for retail use. Weather ConditionsAlways check the Bureau of Meterology website (sometimes known as the "bomsite") just prior to your trip for the likely weather conditions over the next few days. The Snowy Region Visitors Centre in Jindabyne also has a daily weather update and of course will provide advice (and sell you the book). Be prepared to swap days around if the hoped-for fine and clear conditions don't eventuate. Pick a lowland walk instead of an alpine one, where you'd be fighting sleet and seeing very little of the marvellous landscape. Bad weather usually doesn't last for more than a few days.
Environmental Weed WarningTwo years ago the Sydney Morning Herald reported that Orange hawkweed (Hieracium aurantiacum), a nasty weed that is adapted to mountain climates, has been found in Kosciuszko National Park. Walkers are encouraged to photograph and report any sightings, preferably with details of the location. First EditionThe first edition was published in late 2003, with a print run of 900. The last copies were sold early in 2008. Since then I've been working on the second edition, which includes several more walks and variations. WinterAlthough the book describes summer walks it's also useful as a guide for snowshoeing in winter. Snow shoes can be hired in Jindabyne and Perisher Blue at Wilderness Sports. Similar warnings apply to snowshoeing as for walking in summer. |
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